Friday, 28 Mar, 2025 12:19:30 PM

Green Credit Programme

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Government of India

The Green Credit Rules have been notified by the Government of India on 12th October 2023 under the Environment Protection Act, 1986, as mechanism to encourage voluntary plantation activity across the country, resulting in award of Green Credits and to build an inventory of degraded land which can be utilised for Afforestation programmes. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India mentioned in the G20 summit in 2023 that “I feel this is the time to talk about green credit, India is working in this direction by developing Green Credit Framework through which we can initiate climate positive actions.” and “we should think towards how to develop business by using Green Credit Program, which is positive for developing ‘Pro Planet People’.
  • Objectives of the Green Credit Programme (GCP)
      • GCP aims to establish a dynamic land bank for plantations accessible via a dedicated web portal. This facility enables the registration of degraded forest lands by Forest departments. The inventory thus formed becomes a valuable resource available for voluntary plantation activities.
      • Encouraging Government institutions/Public Sector Undertakings /Non-Government Organisations/Private Companies /Organisations/Philanthropies/Individuals/ Group of Individuals registered under Societies Registration Act to select Plantation Blocks from the registered Plantation blocks for encouraging afforestation.
      • Issuance of Green Credits: Green Credits serve as a key incentive for entities engaging in tree plantation. The issuance follows specific methodologies and guidelines stipulated by the Administrator.
      • Digital Processes: The GCP streamlines its operations through technology-based tools like a web platform and a registry. These digital resources ensure seamless registration, verification, and monitoring of plantation-related activities.
  • Outcomes
      • It aims to enhance India’s forest and tree cover
      • To Build an inventory of degraded land under the control and management of Forest Departments suitable for plantation.
      • To encourage participation of individuals and entities in pro-planet actions by rewarding Green Credits.
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